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Kiev 15 TEE
France Version française
Photos by FL text by Sylvain Halgand. From the collection of FL. Last update 2016-03-28 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in Former USSR from 1974 to (Circa) 1980.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 11111

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Kiev 

It is ugly and yet it's better than its predecessor the Kiev-10, the eye of the cell of which implied it was straight out from a series Z American film. Here, there is no longer a front window for the cell, since the device, which is one of its major improvements is now TTL. It is written on in Cyrillic and shows "TEE".

At the opposite of that acronym is a knob that adjusts the aperture. Above the letters TEE, the shutter release button is somewhat dated. In symmetry to the prism, the hood of which seems cut with a sickle, is a small black button to test the battery. A small lever switches on or off the cell.
The lens is an Helios Automat 2/53.

The camera requires a PX625 mercury battery.

Kiev 15 TEE

Kiev 15 TEE

Cameras from Ebay France (Kiev) (Uploaded each 3 hours)